To analyse, research and provide policy advice on matters relating to macroeconomic policies.
This Division will perform the following functions
(1) To undertake fiscal policy analysis and prepare medium term fiscal framework;
(ii) To undertake macroeconomic policy analysis and prepare medium term macroeconomic framework,
(iii) To undertake policy analysis on global/regional developments to support macroeconomic policy management, and
(iv) To provide macro-fiscal policy advice to support effective macroeconomic management.
This Division will be led by a Commissioner and will have four (4) Sections as follows:-
(1) Fiscal Policy Section:
(ii) Macroeconomic Policy Section;
(iii) Research and Financial Modelling Section; and
(iv) International Cooperation in Tax Matters Section
To ensure the financing needs of the Government are met at minimum borrowing costs consistent with a prudent degree of risks.
This Division will perform the following functions-
(i) To formulate and implement Government medium term Debt Management Strategies and policies,
(ii) To analyse and advice the Government on the effects of debt reprofiling,
(iii) To mobilize resources to meet Government financing needs from commercial sources,
(iv) To Conduct Debt Sustainability Analysis,
(v) To advice and prepare annual borrowing plan
(vi) To explore various financing options by assessing its costs and risks for the purpose of designing appropriate Debt Management strategies.
(vii) To support development of domestic debt market,
(viii) To facilitate payments of domestic and external debts.
(ix) To maintain public debt and guarantees database, and
(x) To ensure timely and accurate debt services for external and domestic debt.
This Division will be led by a Commissioner and will have three (3) Sections as follows: -
(1) Debt Resource Mobilization Section,
(1) Debt Risk Management Section; and
(iii) Debt Database Management Section.
To provide policy-based analysis in the financial sector development and oversee Implementation of strategies to strengthen financial intermediation in the economy.
This Division will perform the following functions:
(1) To develop and implement national policies and strategies for facilitation of development of the financial sector in the Country, and
(1) To enhance diversification of financial services and products on a long term and sustainable basis for the whole population especially the low income group.
This Division will be led by a Commissioner and will have two (2) Sections as follows.
(i) Financial Policies Section; and
(i) Microfinance Section,
To formulate, execute, monitor, control and report on the Government budget
This Division will perform the following functions-
(1) To develop and review the medium-term budget policies and guidelines,
(ii) To develop the Government. Budget Guideline in line with the medium-term expenditure framework,
(iii) To analyse and monitor implementation of budgets for Ministries, Independent Departments and Agencies (MDAS), Regional Secretariats (RSs) and Local Government Authorities (LGAs),
(iv). To monitor and control the Wage bill component of the Government Budget;
(v) To undertake public expenditure tracking and performance monitoring, and
(vi) To advise and provide clarification to Parliamentary Budget Committee on matters related to Government budget
This Division will be led by a Commissioner and will have five (5) Sections as follows: -
(1) Ministries, Independent Departments and Agencies (MDAS) Section;
(ii) Regions and Local Government Authorities (RSs & LGAS) Section,
(i) Budget Analysis and Techniques Section:
(iv) Wage Bill Management and Control Section, and
(v) Expenditure Tracking and Performance Monitoring Section
To mobilize and manage external financial aid
This Division will perform the following functions:
(i) To mobilise external resources in the form of grants, concessional loans and other financing instruments to complement shortfalls in domestic resources,
(ii) To formulate development cooperation policies, strategies and agreements aligned with external assistance to national priorities,
(i) To develop financing policy papers to guide future development cooperation;
(iv) To oversee the effective utilization of funds, project implementation and monitoring to achieve development outcomes,
(v) To monitor compliance with International and Bilateral obligations and standards, and
(vi) To record and report on all official development assistance.
(vii) Initiate and recording of contracted concessional loan agreement into debt database;
This Division will be led by a Commissioner and will have four (4) Sections as follows
(1) Bilateral Coordination Section
(ii) Multilateral Coordination Section,
(iii) Regional Economic Cooperation Section; and
(iv) Aid Programming. Co-ordination and Monitoring Section
To oversee development, review and implementation of public procurement policies, regulations and guidelines.
This Division will perform the following functions:
(1) To develop, review and evaluate on the public procurement policies,
(ii) To Monitor and evaluate the implementation of public procurement policies
(iii) To develop and manage procurement and supplies cadre in the public sector, and
(iv) To review and evaluate public sector procurement systems.
The Division will be led by a Commissioner and will have two (2) Sections as follows:
(1) Policy Development and Monitoring Section; and
(ii) Procurement Management Section.
To oversee implementation of financial management, financial expenditure operations, financial systems and other statutory payments in the public sector
This Division will perform the following functions
(i) To develop and manage the Government Accounting and Financial Systems
(1) To develop and manage the Central Payment System and monitor and control decentralized Sub-Treasury systems
(ii) To develop, monitor, evaluate and review Government Accounting legislations, regulations, circulars, guidelines, standards and instructions
(iv) To manage the Government Consolidated Fund
(v) To monitor special funds, miscellaneous deposits accounts and other types of non- vote expenditure/revenue accounts,
(vi) To manage and monitor statutory contributions to social security funds
(vii) To facilitate, coordinate and monitor pension services,
(viii) To develop and oversee the accounting cadre in the public sector; and
(ix) To advise and provide clarification to Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and Local Authorities Accounts Committee (LAAC) on matters related to public financial management
This Division will be led by an Accountant General and will have five (5) Section and Sub Treasury offices as follows:
(i)Financial Management Section,
(ii) Consolidated Fund Services Section
(iii) Financial Operations and Standards Section;
(iv) Local Government Finances Section; and
(v)Expenditure Management Section
To add value to the operations of the public sector by providing independent, objective assurance and risk based advisory services.
This Division will perform the following functions
(i) To develop and review Internal Audit policies, Guidelines, Regulations, Standards, Manuals, Circulars and strategies
(ii) To monitor and evaluate implementation of Internal Audit policies, laws, Guidelines, Regulations, Standards, Manuals and Circulars
(iii) To ensuring control and proper Accountability of public monies and properties.
(iv) To scrutinize and compile audit reports from MDAS, Regions, LGAS, Government Institutions and Donor Funded projects and prepare major audit observations and recommendations and submit the same to Paymaster General for further actions,
(v) To undertake continuous risk management;
(vi) To develop, implement and review annual audit programme
(vii) To review and appraise budget planning and implementation with a view to promoting compliance with national goals and objectives;
(viii) To make follow up on agreed audit recommendation and required actions;
(ix) To undertake special and investigative audits,
(x) To review, monitor, evaluate and recommend on systems of Government revenue collections for proper accountability,
(xi) To manage, control quality and build capacity of the Internal Audit professionals and Audit Committees and evaluate their effectiveness, and
(xii) To advise and provide clarification to Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and Local Authorities Accounts Committee (LAAC) on matters related to audit and accountability
This Division will be led by the Internal Auditor General and will have five (5) Sections as follows
(i) Quality Assurance Section
(ii) Technical Audit Section.
(ii) Local Government Authorities (LGAS) Audit Section,
(iv) Ministries, Independent Departments and Agencies (MDAS) Audit Section: and
(v) Risk Management Systems and Controls Section.
To provide expertise and services in financial systems development and management.
This Division will perform the following functions: -
(i) To develop and implement ICT Security Policy, ICT Guidelines, ICT Disaster Recovery Plan, ICT Risk Management for the Government financial management systems in collaboration with e-GA
(ii) To develop, implement and maintain financial management systems;
(iii) To provide technical support services to MDAs and LGAs on financial management systems; and
(iv) To implement and maintain ICT systems in the Ministry.
This Division will be led by a Director and will have four (4) Sections as follows:-
(i) Systems Development and Administration Section:
(ii) Infrastructure Development and Administration Section;
(iii) Systems Operations and Support Section, and
(iv) Internal ICT Support Section
To enhance transparency and accountability in management of Public Assets.
This Division will perform the following functions:
(i) To develop and review policy, regulations, guidelines and standards on acquisition, control, maintenance, utilization and disposal of public assets:
(ii) To monitor and control the implementation of policy, regulations, guidelines and standards on the management of public assets,
(iii) Manage the appointment of boards of condemnation;
(iv) To process and control accidents, losses and compensations claims,
(v) To manage auctions and agency, and
(vi) To manage the centralized public asset register.
The Division will be led by a Director and will have two (2) Sections and Regional Government Assets Management Offices.
(i) Accidents and Compensation Section, and
(ii) Assets Management Systems Section
(III) Regional Government Assets Management Offices
To provide expertise and services on human resource management and administrative matters to the Ministry.
The Division will perform the following functions:
(i) To interpret Public Service Regulations, Standing Orders and other Labour laws,
(ii) To oversee the implementation of ethics and value promotion activities including corruption prevention education;
(iii) To administer and oversee implementation of activities such as recruitment, selection, orientation, training and employee development, promotion, discipline, retention, motivation, performance management and general staff welfare:
(iv) To ensure optimal, efficient and effective management and utilization of human resource;
(v) To coordinate Workers Council and Trade Union affairs,
(vi) To oversee the development and implementation of effective policies, procedures and guidelines for recruitment, training and development, deployment, retention of staff, promotions, performance management,
(vii) To conduct human resource audit and inventory of current and needed skills,
(viii) To provide registry, messengerial and courier services, and manage Office records,
(ix) To handle protocol matters,
(x) To facilitate provision of security services, transport and general utilities;
(xi) To facilitate maintenance of Office equipment, buildings and grounds:
(xii) To coordinate implementation of ethics and value promotion activities
(xiii) To coordinate implementation of diversity issues; and
(xiv) To coordinate implementation of Private Sector Participation, Business Process Improvement and Client Service Charter.
This Division will be led by a Director and will comprise two (2) Sections as follows: -
(i) Human Resource Management Section; and
(ii) Administration Section
To provide expertise and services in planning, budgeting preparation, and research and innovations.
This Division will perform the following functions-
(I) To coordinate preparation of plans, budget and ministerial policies in line with the National Planning Frameworks
(ii) To coordinate research on Ministerial policies and sector related functions for the development of the respective sector
(iii) To coordinate implementation of the Government's policy, research, technological development and innovation in the Ministry
(iv) To coordinate preparations of Budget Speech for the Ministry;
(v) To develop guidelines on research and innovation matters for the Ministry
(vi) To conduct Ministry Service Delivery Survey
(vii) To coordinate Ministry Self-Assessment (Institutional Self-Assessment),
(viii) To mobilize resource for implementation of Ministry s initiatives;
(ix) To coordinate risk management processes within the Ministry:
(x)To coordinate implementation of ruling party manifesto, Government directives and parliamentary affairs, and
(xi) To coordinate preparations of periodic Performance Reports for the Ministry.
This Division will be led by a Director and will have three (3) Sections as follows:-
(i) Research and Innovation Section
(ii) Planning and Budgeting Section, and
(i) Risk Management Section,
To provide legal expertise and services to the Ministry.
This Division will perform the following functions
(i) To provide legal advice and assistance to the Ministry's Divisions, Units and entities,
(ii) To coordinate and supervise provision of legal services in preparation and review of legislations,
(iii) To provide and review legal instruments in collaboration with the Office of the Attorney General;
(iv) To provide awareness on legislations, and
(v) To custodian of all legal documents in the Ministry
The Division will be led by a Director and will have two (2) Sections as follows:
(1) Contract Section, and
(ii) Legal Analysis Section